
About the Author

"Chris Livingston" is a name shared by several online writers, and one in particular writes the posts on this blog. When asked as to whether he prefers "Chris" or "Christopher" he has no preference, which causes much consternation in human resources managers.

About the Blog

This is a personal blog, and like no other blog ever written before will be chock full of unsubstantiated opinions and hyperbole.

In his infinite wisdom, the author has written a custom content management system for this site. Using Node.js (which is webscale) and flat files (which is not webscale), this CMS endeavors to deliver obnoxious prattle to readers in a truly disruptive and synergistic manner. Really, he should have just used a static site generator.

Eventually, he will get around to writing things. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy this about page.